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There is no shortage of advice flying around about estate planning, much of it from people who aren't even lawyers. Get insight on the popular pitfalls and how emerging economic shifts like cryptocurrency can affect your plan.

Asset Protection
Have a Trust? How the Corporate Transparency Act Affects You

Get ready for an interesting twist in the world of legal and business news. You may already be familiar w...

Asset Protection
Keep the Government and Lawsuit Happy Opportunists Away From Your Children’s Inheritance

If you have a current estate plan, I'll bet you plan to leave your assets to your children outright and u...

Asset Protection
Before You Agree to Be a Trustee, Read This!

Being asked by a loved one to serve as Trustee for their Trust upon their death can be quite an honor, bu...

Asset Protection
4 Essential Strategies For Protecting Your Family's Assets

You might think that only the super wealthy need to worry about asset protection planning. But the truth ...

Asset Protection, Kids Protection Planning, Estate Planning
3 Reasons Why Transferring Ownership Of Your Home To Your Child Is A Bad Idea

Whether it’s to qualify for Medicaid, avoid probate, or reduce your tax burden, transferring ownership of...

Asset Protection, Kids Protection Planning, Estate Planning
How Naming Guardians For Your Kids In Your Will Can Leave Them At Risk

If you are a mom or dad with children under the age of 18 at home, your number-one estate planning priori...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Estate Planning
Does Your Family Need Umbrella Insurance?

In today’s highly litigious society you are at near-constant risk for costly lawsuits—even if you’ve done...

Asset Protection, Kids Protection Planning, wills and trusts
Asset Protection Trust: Safeguarding Child Inheritance | PFL

As a parent, you’re likely hoping to leave your children an inheritance. In fact, doing so may be one of ...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Save Money On Your Taxes
7 Last-Minute Moves To Save On Your Taxes For 2021

Although many strategies to save on your income taxes must be locked in before the end of the year, there...

Asset Protection, wills and trusts, Estate Planning
Probate: What It Is & How To Avoid It—Part 2

Unless you’ve created an estate plan that works to keep your family out of court, when you die (or become...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Estate Planning
Probate: What It Is & How To Avoid It—Part 1

Unless you’ve created a proper estate plan, when you die many of your assets must first pass through the ...

Asset Protection, Life Planning, Estate Planning
Protect Your Home, Family, and Assets From The Threat Of Natural Disasters

Over just the last two years, we’ve seen historic levels of damage caused by natural disasters in the U.S...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning, Estate Planning
4 Reasons Why Estate Planning Is So Essential For Business Owners

If you are running a business, it’s easy to give estate planning less priority than your other business m...

Asset Protection, Enlightened Insurance, Family Financial Planning, Estate Planning
Purchasing Life Insurance For Your Family: What You Need To Know

Life insurance is a key component of your family’s estate plan, offering those who depend on you for thei...

Asset Protection, Life Planning, wills and trusts, Estate Planning
Why Putting Your Family Home In A Trust Is A Smart Move—Part 2

This article is part two of a two-part series on the benefits of putting your home in a trust. Part one o...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, wills and trusts
Why Putting Your Family Home In A Trust Is A Smart Move—Part 1

If you are like many homeowners, your home is likely your family’s most valuable and treasured asset. In ...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning
The Basics On NFTs: The Newest Cryptoverse Craze

NFTs, or “non-fungible tokens,” are the latest sensation in the cryptocurrency universe, or as we like to...

Asset Protection, Kids Protection Planning, Life Planning, Estate Planning
2021 Estate Planning Checkup: Is Your Estate Plan Up to Date?

Even if you put a totally solid estate plan in place, it can turn out to be worthless for the people you ...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, wills and trusts
Why You Need a Trust - Even if You Aren't Rich

When you hear the words, “trust fund,” do you conjure up images of stately mansions and party yachts? A t...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Save Money On Your Taxes
3 Ways To Benefit By Incorporating Charitable Giving Into Your Estate Plan

You are likely well aware of the tax benefits that come from donating to charity during your lifetime—don...

Asset Protection, Life Planning, Estate Planning
All You Need to Know About Including Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan—Part 2

Recent advances in digital technology have made many aspects of our lives exponentially easier and more c...

Asset Protection, Life Planning, Estate Planning
All You Need to Know About Including Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan—Part 1

Recent advances in digital technology have made many aspects of our lives exponentially easier and more c...

Asset Protection, Kids Protection Planning, Same Gender Couples, Estate Planning
3 Estate Planning Issues For LGBTQ+ Couples—Part 1

Whether you are married or in a committed partnership, estate planning is about much more than planning f...

Asset Protection, Estate Planning
Does Your Estate Plan Protect Your Intellectual Property?

If you own a business, you almost certainly have intellectual property. However, because your intellectua...

Asset Protection, Conscious Divorce, Estate Planning
Getting Divorced? Don’t Overlook These 4 Updates to Your Estate Plan—Part 2

Going through divorce can be an overwhelming experience that impacts nearly every facet of your life, inc...

Asset Protection, Conscious Divorce, Estate Planning
Getting Divorced? Don’t Overlook These 4 Updates to Your Estate Plan—Part 1

Going through divorce can be an overwhelming experience that impacts nearly every facet of your life, inc...

Asset Protection, Kids Protection Planning, Estate Planning
4 Reasons Why You Can’t Afford to Go Without An Estate Plan

October 19th-25th, 2020 is National Estate Planning Awareness Week, so if you've been thinking about crea...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Estate Planning
Lost An Old 401(k)? Here Are 6 Tips For Finding It

The days of working for a single employer for decades until you retire are over. Today, you are much more...

Asset Protection, Celebrity Estate Planning, Estate Planning Mistakes
What the Netflix Series Tiger King Can Teach You About Asset Protection -Part 3

Anyone who has seen the hit Netflix documentary Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness can attest that i...

Asset Protection, wills and trusts, Conscious Divorce
How to Avoid the Need For a Prenuptial Agreement—Part 2

If you are engaged to be married, divorce is probably the last thing you and your fiancé want to be think...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Conscious Divorce
How to Avoid the Need For a Prenuptial Agreement—Part 1

If you’re counting down the days to your wedding, divorce is probably the last thing you and your fiancé ...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Save Money On Your Taxes
The SECURE Act’s Impact On Estate and Retirement Planning—Part 2

In the first part of this series, we discussed the potential ramifications the SECURE ACT has for your es...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Save Money On Your Taxes
The SECURE Act’s Impact On Estate and Retirement Planning—Part 1

On January 1, 2020, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE Act) went into ...

Asset Protection, Life Planning, Estate Planning
5 Steps For Adding Digital Assets To Your Estate Plan

Although digital technology has made many aspects of our lives much easier and more convenient, it has al...

Asset Protection, Awakened Parenting, Estate Planning
Airtight Protection For Your Child’s Inheritance - Part 2 | PFL®

In the first part of this series, we discussed a unique planning tool known as a Lifetime Asset Protectio...

Asset Protection, Awakened Parenting, Estate Planning
Lifetime Asset Protection Trusts: Airtight Protection For Your Child’s Inheritance

As a parent, you’re likely hoping to leave your children an inheritance. In fact, doing so may be one of ...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning, wills and trusts, Estate Planning
Safeguard Your Children's Inheritance With a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust

Last week, we discussed the benefits of a unique estate planning vehicle known as Lifetime Asset Protecti...

Asset Protection, Celebrity Estate Planning, Awakened Parenting, wills and trusts
Lifetime Asset Protection Trusts Can Protect Your Family From Wealth's Dark Side

When you create your estate plan, the idea that one of your adult children would ever use their inheritan...

Asset Protection, Enlightened Insurance, Family Financial Planning
4 Ways Wise Planning Can Protect Your Family’s Assets

While most people assume only the uber wealthy need to worry about asset protection, those with less weal...

Asset Protection, Life Planning, Estate Planning
7 Events That Necessitate a Review of Your Estate Plan

Even if you put a totally solid estate plan in place, it can end up proving worthless if it’s not properl...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, wills and trusts
Could an IRA Trust Benefit Your Family?

Unlike most of your assets, individual retirement accounts (IRAs) do not pass to your family through a wi...

Asset Protection, Awakened Parenting, Life Planning
Saving What Matters: 12 Must-Have Items To Pack in Your Go-Bag | PFL®

It’s the middle of the night. The authorities just notified you that you have 20 minutes to evacuate your...

Asset Protection, Enlightened Insurance, Life Planning
Is Your Home Insured Against Natural Disasters?

From wildfires in California and hurricanes in Texas to floods in West Virginia, hardly any area of the U...

Asset Protection, wills and trusts, Estate Planning
Don’t Forget to Include Your Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan—Part 2

In the first part of this series, we discussed the importance of including your digital assets in your es...

Asset Protection, wills and trusts, Estate Planning
Don’t Forget to Include Your Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan—Part 1

If you’ve created an estate plan, it likely includes traditional wealth and assets like finances, real es...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning
How to Fix Errors in Your Credit Report

While some of those TV commercials for free credit-score report companies are pretty funny, having errors...

Asset Protection, Enlightened Insurance, Life Planning
Questions and Answers About Personal Liability Umbrella Insurance

It’s no secret that we live in a litigious society. And though our right to a fair trial is one of the ha...

Asset Protection, Estate Planning Mistakes, Save Money On Your Taxes
Don’t Transfer Ownership of Your House to Your Kids Before You Read This

With the cost of long-term care (LTC) skyrocketing, you may be concerned about your (or your elderly pare...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Save Money On Your Taxes
Donate to a Charitable Remainder Trust For Tax and Income Benefits

If you have highly appreciated assets like stock and real estate you want to sell, it may make sense to u...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Estate Planning
Safeguard Your Cryptocurrency Assets With Estate Planning

One of the biggest appeals of cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, is that it is decentralized, unregulated, and...

Asset Protection, Same Gender Couples, Estate Planning
I Don’t Have Kids, So Why Do I Need Estate Planning? Part 2

Last week, we shared the first part of our series on the importance of estate planning for those without ...

Asset Protection, Same Gender Couples, Estate Planning
I Don’t Have Kids, So Why Do I Need Estate Planning? Part 1

It’s a common misconception to think that if you don’t have children, you don’t need to worry about estat...

Asset Protection, Caring for Elderly Parents
Ensure the Security of Your Senior Parents' Identity and Financial Assets

Today, we live in an uber-connected world, where nearly every type of financial transaction—shopping, ban...

Asset Protection, wills and trusts, Estate Planning
The Key Differences Between Wills and Trusts

When discussing estate planning, a will is what most people think of first. Indeed, wills have been the m...

Asset Protection, Enlightened Insurance, Life Planning
Choosing the Right Life Insurance Policy

While purchasing life insurance may seem pretty straightforward, it’s actually quite complex, especially ...

Asset Protection, Blended Family Issues, Estate Planning
Common Estate Planning Issues for a Second (or More) Marriage

These days, second and even third marriages are fairly commonplace. And the estate planning issues that a...

Asset Protection, Estate Planning Mistakes, wills and trusts
The Pitfalls of DIY Wills: Lessons Learned from a Florida Probate Case

DIY wills are becoming more prevalent as legal services can now be accessed easily online. For better or ...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Estate Planning
What to Do With Surplus Cash: Pay Down Debt, Spend or Invest?

When you come into a cash surplus from a company bonus, a tax refund, an inheritance or something similar...

Asset Protection, Enlightened Insurance, Estate Planning
Planning to Protect Your Assets

Asset protection planning is an important step to take in safeguarding your hard-earned assets from being...

Asset Protection, Family Financial Planning, Estate Planning
Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the Blockchain -- What Happens When You Die?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about Bitcoin. But, you may not know what i...

PFL® firms in your area


Starsia Law PLLC

Hi, I’m Pam Starsia. I became a Personal Family Lawyer because I’m passionate about educating and empowering people to create estate, life, ...

Juniper Law, PLLC

I became a Personal Family Lawyer to help people like you and families like yours plan for the future. Facing the potential for incapacity a...

Das Law, PLLC

Let’s talk about your death . . . or incapacity. If something unfortunate happens, what will happen to your assets that you’ve worked so har...

Legacy Lawyers, PLLC

Hi. I’m John W. Heck. I became a Personal Family Lawyer because I have seen the consequences of failed estate planning in my immediate famil...

Edris Law

In my practice, I focus on Family Protection, Wealth Preservation, and Value-Based Planning. I’m also experienced with wealth planning strat...

Millennium Attorney

Naureen Rahman has been practicing law for over twenty years in the Maryland, DC-Metropolitan area. She has practiced across numerous sector...

Reflections Life Planning, LLC

I love being able to guide my clients through a unique planning process that empowers them to live a financially fulfilling life now while e...

I am an attorney dedicated to helping families in Virginia navigate the world of estate planning. With over 22 years of legal experience, I'...


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You've planned your kids’ birthday parties, playdates, and education. But have you adequately planned for the care of your family if the unthinkable happened? What provisions are needed in the first 24 hours while the officials locate your family members and arrange for your children's care?

In an easy-to-read "choose your own adventure" story format, Wear Clean Underwear guides you to know the exact right legal steps for yourself and the people you love.