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There is no shortage of advice flying around about estate planning, much of it from people who aren't even lawyers. Get insight on the popular pitfalls and how emerging economic shifts like cryptocurrency can affect your plan.

Caring for Elderly Parents
Obtaining A Power Of Attorney For Elderly Parents

Making important decisions for aging parents can be a challenging task, but power of attorney (POA) can p...

Enlightened Insurance, Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors, Estate Planning
FAQs About Long-Term Care Insurance

Our nation’s population is aging at a faster rate than ever before, and collectively we are living much l...

Celebrity Estate Planning, Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning
Britney Spears’ Conservatorship: The Vital Importance Of Incapacity Planning—Part 2

Since the age of 16, when she burst onto the charts with her debut single, “...Hit Me Baby One More Time,...

Celebrity Estate Planning, Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning
Britney Spears: Why Incapacity Planning Matters - Part 1 | PFL®

Since the age of 16, when she burst onto the charts with her debut single, “...Hit Me Baby One More Time,...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors, Estate Planning
I Care a Lot: Uncovering the Dark Side of Legal Guardianship (Part 2) | PFL®

The Netflix movie I Care a Lot provides a dark, violent, and somewhat comedic take on the real life and n...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors, Estate Planning
I Care a Lot: Uncovers the Dark Side of Guardianship - Part 1

The Netflix movie I Care a Lot provides a dark, violent, and somewhat comedic take on the real life and n...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Awakened Parenting, Planning for Seniors
5 Tips For Keeping Kids Connected With Grandparents During the Pandemic

While the quarantines, shutdowns, and social distancing measures related to the pandemic have been diffic...

Enlightened Insurance, Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors
What You Should Know About Long-Term Care Insurance

With people living longer than ever before, more and more seniors require long-term healthcare services i...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors, wills and trusts, Estate Planning
What You Should Know Before Agreeing to Serve as Trustee

Being asked by a loved one to serve as trustee for their trust upon their death can be quite an honor, bu...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Estate Planning
COVID-19 Highlights Critical Need for Advance Healthcare Directives—Part 2

In the first part of this series, we discussed the vital importance of having updated advance directives ...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Estate Planning
COVID-19 Highlights Critical Need for Advance Healthcare Directives—Part 1

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the country, doctors across the nation are joining lawyers i...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors
Protecting Your Parents From Undue Influence During Covid and Beyond

In a previous article, we shared steps to understanding your parents’ estate planning and the nature of t...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning
Should You (or Your Parents) Be in the Stock Market Now?

If you or your parents have a retirement account, (or any investment accounts for that matter) now is the...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Estate Planning
The Most Important Legal and Financial Actions To Take Right Now

As you already know, the COVID-19 pandemic means nothing is business as usual. Many states have implement...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors
How To Talk To Your Parents and Get Them To Stay Home

There’s no doubt that your parents have survived frightening world events, whether that was World War II,...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
Don’t Let Diminished Financial Capacity Put Your Elderly Loved Ones At Risk—Part 2

In the first part of this series, we discussed the early warning signs of diminished financial capacity i...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
Don’t Let Diminished Financial Capacity Put Your Elderly Loved Ones At Risk—Part 1

With more and more Baby Boomers reaching retirement age each year, our country is undergoing an unprecede...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors, Estate Planning
Use Estate Planning to Avoid Adult Guardianship—and Elder Abuse: Part 2

In the first part of this series, we discussed how some professional adult guardians have used their powe...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
Use Estate Planning to Avoid Adult Guardianship—and Elder Abuse

Elder abuse can take a wide variety of forms, but we think the worst of the worst is caused by unscrupulo...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Awakened Parenting, Life Planning
7 Processes to Complete With Your Parents Before They Die

In a recent Facebook post “Processes to go through with your parents before they die,” Daniel Schmachtenb...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Planning for Seniors
Seniors and Their Families Should Be Wary of Reverse Mortgages—Part 2

In the first part of this series, we discussed the dangers of reverse mortgages for senior homeowners. He...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Planning for Seniors
Seniors and Their Families Should Be Wary of Reverse Mortgages

If you’ve watched TV lately, you’ve likely seen ads touting the benefits of reverse mortgages. The spots ...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
3 Warning Signs of a Financial Scam

Nobody likes to admit they’ve fallen for a financial scam, but the fact is, it’s easier than ever to get ...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors
Don’t Let Your Elderly Parents Become Victims of the Grandparent Scam

Imagine this… You are an elderly grandparent who lives alone. You get a call in the middle of the night f...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors, Estate Planning
Dementia and Guns: A Tragedy Waiting to Happen

It’s common for families of those with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia to realize that at some po...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Estate Planning
Understanding Guardianship: Protecting Loved Ones from Incapacity | PFL®

Whether through illness, injury, or other means, anyone can require a guardian to become appointed if the...

Asset Protection, Caring for Elderly Parents
Ensure the Security of Your Senior Parents' Identity and Financial Assets

Today, we live in an uber-connected world, where nearly every type of financial transaction—shopping, ban...

Estate Planning Mistakes, Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors, Estate Planning
Estate Planning Mistakes Seniors Can’t Afford to Make

Estate planning really should be considered as soon as you acquire your first asset, have a child, or ste...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
4 Warning Signs Your Elderly Relative Faces Financial Abuse | PFL®

Some of the most disturbing crimes against the elderly involve financial exploitation. While physical abu...

Asset Protection, Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors
The Real Cost of Caring

Dealing with the financial stressors of caring for an aging loved one can affect your ability to provide ...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning
The Unexpected Costs of Caring for Elderly Parents In Your Home

Multi-generational households are becoming the new (or maybe it’s really old) in vogue way to handle the ...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Kids Protection Planning, Awakened Parenting, Family Financial Planning, Planning for Seniors
When Duty Calls: Navigating the Sandwich Generation with Ease

The average age of parents raising children in the US continues to rise, leaving many middle-aged America...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Awakened Parenting, Life Planning
Watch Out for This Predatory Phone Scam

Today, even the most conscientious can fall victim to phone scams. Claiming everything from free cruise v...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Planning for Seniors
Does Your Parent Need Help With Finances? Start Here

Caring for an aging parent is a common challenge for Baby Boomers, and now even Gen-X’ers and Millennials...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Estate Planning
How to Discuss Estate Planning with Aging (or Sick) Loved Ones - Pt. 2

In our last newsletter, we shared the first part of our article on how to discuss estate planning with ag...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Estate Planning
How to Discuss Estate Planning With Aging (or Sick) Loved Ones - Part 1

Someone you love is aging. Or maybe, facing a potentially terminal illness. And you know it’s time for th...

Caring for Elderly Parents
What Is Elder Abuse and How Can You Keep Yourself (or Your Parents) Safe?

One day, you will be an elderly person, you hope. Maybe you are already there. Or, your parents are. And,...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors
Can Family Caregiving Change Your Reputation (and Self-Perception) For the Better?

Are you the unappreciated black sheep in your family? Have you wished you could redeem your reputation an...

Celebrity Estate Planning, Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors
Even Celebrities Like Queen Latifah Act as Caregivers for Their Aging Parents

We may not think about it often, but even celebrities take care of their aging parents. Actress, singer, ...

Enlightened Insurance, Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
When Is the Purchase of Long-Term Care Insurance Worth It?

Elder Care is emerging as a significant issue for many people as life spans continue to increase. It is n...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning
How To Proactively Plan To Reduce the Impact of Caring For Elderly Family Members

Much has been written about our nation’s need to help mothers in the workplace. Many benefits, such as ma...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Planning for Seniors
Legal Strategies to Avoid Guardianship

As senior citizens continue to age, the likelihood increases that they will become physically or mentally...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
Watch Out for Predatory Tax Liens on Your Family Home

As our parents and other loved ones age, they may need a little more attention from us. Parents, grandpar...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
How Long-Term Care Planning Can Protect You From Medicaid Divorce

Currently, it is estimated that 7 in 10 Americans will need some type of long-term care, with Medicaid ex...

Asset Protection, Estate Planning Mistakes, Caring for Elderly Parents, wills and trusts, Estate Planning
Asset Protection: When a Will Won’t Work

One of the most prevalent misconceptions when it comes to estate planning is that if you have a will, it ...

Celebrity Estate Planning, Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors, wills and trusts
Protecting Our Family When It Matters Most

A drama currently playing out in a French courtroom demonstrates that any elderly person can fall victim ...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors, Estate Planning
Help for Dealing with a Parent’s Dementia Diagnosis

Alzheimer’s Disease is in the news again thanks to Academy Award winner Julianne Moore’s performance in t...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
Senior Drivers and Safe Driving

One of the uncomfortable moments of life for many people is when they try to address automobile ownership...

Enlightened Insurance, Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
How to Reduce the Cost of Long-Term Care Insurance | PFL®

A person who turns 65 today has a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care at some time in their...

Celebrity Estate Planning, Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors, wills and trusts, Estate Planning
Legal Steps to Take When Facing a Dementia Diagnosis

Maria Shriver knows the devastation of Alzheimer’s disease firsthand. Her beloved father Sargent Shriver,...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Planning for Seniors
New Help for Financial Caregivers

If you are helping an elderly parent or relative manage their finances or have been given a power of atto...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors, Estate Planning
The Talk You Need to Have With Your Parents

When you were a kid, your parents dreaded the talk they had to have with you. You know the one. Well, now...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Awakened Parenting, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors, Estate Planning
The Conversation You Must Have With Your Kids and Your Parents

Every single adult needs to have an advance health care directive written, signed and in place. This incl...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors, wills and trusts
Holidays a Perfect Opportunity to Check Up on Aging Parents

The holidays are a traditional time for multiple generations to gather together, and are also a perfect o...

Caring for Elderly Parents, Family Financial Planning, Life Planning, Planning for Seniors
How to Protect Elderly Parents From Financial Abuse

According to a recent study by the Investor Protection Trust and Investor Protection Institute, the top t...

PFL® firms in your area


Starsia Law PLLC

Hi, I’m Pam Starsia. I became a Personal Family Lawyer because I’m passionate about educating and empowering people to create estate, life, ...

Juniper Law, PLLC

I became a Personal Family Lawyer to help people like you and families like yours plan for the future. Facing the potential for incapacity a...

Das Law, PLLC

Let’s talk about your death . . . or incapacity. If something unfortunate happens, what will happen to your assets that you’ve worked so har...

Legacy Lawyers, PLLC

Hi. I’m John W. Heck. I became a Personal Family Lawyer because I have seen the consequences of failed estate planning in my immediate famil...

Edris Law

In my practice, I focus on Family Protection, Wealth Preservation, and Value-Based Planning. I’m also experienced with wealth planning strat...

Millennium Attorney

Naureen Rahman has been practicing law for over twenty years in the Maryland, DC-Metropolitan area. She has practiced across numerous sector...

Reflections Life Planning, LLC

I love being able to guide my clients through a unique planning process that empowers them to live a financially fulfilling life now while e...

I am an attorney dedicated to helping families in Virginia navigate the world of estate planning. With over 22 years of legal experience, I'...


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