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Get Educated

If you have any complexity in your life: minor children or children with special needs, a business, a senior parent with assets that you don’t want to be lost to the government or stuck in court, an unmarried partner or friends you love, a second marriage … you cannot rely on the state’s default estate plan for you, or even DIY estate planning documents or a lawyer who will give you a one-size fits all “cheap legal” plan.

Starting your path to a lifetime of wise legal and financial decisions with a Life & Legacy Planning Session is the answer to clarity and certainty in a highly complex world.


Your Family is unique,
your plan should be too.

From the very first phone call, your PFL® will guide you and your family to get the education you need to know what you can do yourself, and what you need a lawyer to do for you so you can create a Life & Legacy Plan that is unique to your family dynamics and assets, and your budget.


Who have children and assets they want to create a plan for so their loved ones stay out of court and conflict.


Who want to be sure their legal and financial decisions are made by the people they choose, in the way they choose.


Who want to ensure the person they love most will have everything necessary to ensure grace and ease at a time of grief and loss.


Who want a plan for their own long-term care and to protect what they’ve worked so hard to build for the people they love.

Business Owners

Who want to leave their families, their team, their clients and their partners with a clear plan for when they can’t be there.

Life can be unpredictable.

Online legal services can’t account for the unique challenges your family will face when you become incapacitated or die. Proactive planning is the best defense against confusion, disputes, and expensive, unnecessary court proceedings.

The Life & Legacy Planning Session is a working meeting with a Personal Family Lawyer® to support you to make educated, informed, eyes wide open decisions about the legal planning you need for yourself and the people you love

At the end of this meeting, you will know exactly what to do to keep your loved one’s out of court, out of conflict, and supported through a lifetime of wise legal and financial decisions.


Ensure the people you love have somewhere to turn.

Beginning a trusted advisor relationship with your own personal lawyer during your lifetime is the only way to ensure that you or the people you love don’t get stuck in an unnecessary and expensive court process, or lose assets to the government, or surprise conflict.
If you become incapacitated or die without a trusted advisor relationship already in place, your loved ones will be scrambling to figure out what to do, where to turn, and how to get support during a time of grief and confusion. This is one of the greatest costs to families, and if you don’t want to impose that cost on the people you love, find a Personal Family Lawyer today.

Create a Life & Legacy Plan with your Personal Family Lawyer®.

The Planning Session is your starting point for building your Life and Legacy Plan. You'll get educated on what it takes to protect your family, what your options are, how your family dynamics affect your plan, and your options for creating the right plan for your family at the right budget for you.

With the counsel of your Personal Family Lawyer, you will have the confidence of knowing you have a plan for everything you value without leaving a mess for the ones you love.

Search our directory for your PFL.

Use our search tool to locate a professional, certified, Personal Family Lawyer in your area.

Schedule Your Planning Session.

Connect with your PFL by phone, video chat, or in-person to assess your family dynamics, assets, and your budget.

Rely on a trusted source.

You and your family will feel comfortable reaching out to your PFL with any questions at any time. It’s about finding the relationship that works best for you.

The planning you can expect from your PFL®.

Life & Legacy Planning

Define the future of your legacy with someone who knows how to protect what’s most important to you.

Kids Protection Planning

A way to comprehensively safeguard your children in both the short-term and long-term.

LIFTed Business Advising

You’ve poured time, energy, and money into your business. Now, whether it’s time to grow or time to sell, we can help you plan the next step.

Frequently asked questions

  • How long is a plan good for?

    It depends on how your life changes, the law changes, and your assets change. We recommend a review of your plan at least every three years, or whenever you have changes in your life or assets. In addition, we recommend that your asset inventory stays up to date at least annually, and of course every time there is a change in your assets.

  • Should my plan change when I retire?

    At the very least, you should review your plan with your Personal Family Lawyer when you retire, or when you have any significant life event.

  • How do I assign guardianship of my children to someone?

    So glad you are asking this question because naming legal guardians for your minor children, or child with special needs, is a critical piece of good parenting. With our Kids Protection Plan process, we'll name legal guardians in such a way as to ensure that your children will never be taken into the care of strangers, or anyone you would never want raising your children. If you have minor children at home, and haven't ever legally named guardians for them, use the Kids Protection Plan website to name legal guardians at no cost, here.

  • What if I’m not rich enough?

    It’s a false perception that estate planning is just about financial wealth. Your estate plan may be even more important if you don't have a lot.  If you aren’t sure if you need a lawyer to guide you through the estate planning process, and to help you make eyes wide open legal, insurance, financial and tax decisions throughout life, begin with our free training on this website, or read the book "Wear Clean Underwear" so you can learn what you can do yourself and what you need to choose a lawyer to help you with.

  • What if the law changes, will my legacy remain intact?

    Not necessarily. That’s why it’s important to work with an attorney who has the PFL systems and processes in place, and who will help ensure your plan stays current as laws change.

  • What should be included in my estate plan?

    In short, everything! That is why we offer you the Personal Resource Map so you can inventory all the aspects of your life to make sure that what you care about is cared for.

  • How do I divide my assets?

    These are tough decisions for any person, and why our Life and Legacy Planning Process is built the way it is. You’re not just filling out documents. You are getting heart-centered counsel to make the big decisions you need to make.

  • What if I’m single?

    If you are single, it's even more important to plan because you the person or people you want to make decisions for you and handle your affairs may be different than what the state's default plan would provide.

    Every adult needs a plan for their own care and the care of who and what they love. Be sure to watch to our training on estate planning for single people to determine what you can do yourself, and what you need a lawyer to work with you on.


Everything you need to start planning today.

Use our PFL directory to find the right Personal Family Lawyer for you and the people you love.