There is a huge gap in the legal system.
I witnessed it firsthand after watching family members die without proper planning. The first was my father-in-law.
Even though my father-in-law worked with a reputable lawyer to prepare an “estate plan,” his assets were not inventoried, or even titled properly, and his plan had never been updated after he created it.
Turns out, my father-in-law had paid $3,000 for a one-size fits all plan that he thought took care of everything, but it didn’t. And he died not realizing that his loved ones would be stuck in a court process after his death, dealing with his assets, and his ex-wife.
It’s an all too common problem. Families get left with an expensive mess that could easily be avoided, with a little more foresight, understanding and the guidance of an advisor who has the mind of a lawyer, and the heart of a teacher.
That’s why I created Personal Family Lawyer.
Ali Katz
Personal Family Lawyer +
Founder, Eyes Wide Open Collective