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Overcoming Resistance to Estate Planning When You Have a Child With Special Needs

Written by Ali Katz | Oct 11, 2024 12:51:02 PM

As a parent of a child with special needs, you face unique challenges every day. You've mastered the art of juggling doctor's appointments, therapy sessions, and educational plans. But there's one crucial task that often gets pushed to the back burner: estate planning. While it's a topic many prefer to avoid, it's especially critical for parents like you. This article will explore the common roadblocks that prevent parents from creating their estate plans and offer practical solutions to overcome them.


The Emotional Hurdle

You've poured your heart and soul into caring for your child. The thought of not being there for them is heart-wrenching. It's no wonder that many parents struggle with the emotional weight of estate planning. You might find yourself avoiding the topic altogether, pushing it off for "someday."

But here's the truth: planning for your child's future is one of the most loving acts you can perform. By facing this challenge head-on, you're ensuring that your child will be cared for according to your wishes, even when you're no longer able to provide that care yourself.

To overcome this emotional hurdle:

Start small. Begin by having conversations with your partner or trusted family members about your hopes and concerns for your child's future.

Seek support from other parents in similar situations. Join support groups or online forums where you can share experiences and gather advice.

Remember that estate planning is an act of love. Frame it in your mind as a gift you're giving your child, rather than a painful necessity or even a burden.

Work with a trusted lawyer who can support you to complete the process. As a Personal Family Lawyerwith a special needs planning focus, we can help you get your plan in place and will hold your hand every step of the way. We’ll take on the heavy lifting so you don’t have to. Read to the end and find out how to cook a call with me.


Finding Time and Resources

Between work, medical appointments, and the day-to-day care of your child, finding time for estate planning can feel impossible. Add in the potential costs of legal and financial planning, and it's easy to see why many parents put it off.

However, the consequences of not having a plan in place can be severe. Without proper planning, your child could lose access to crucial government benefits or end up with insufficient resources for their long-term care. Or, they could end up with caretakers you’d never want.

Here's how you can find the time and resources to prioritize estate planning:

Set small, achievable goals. Instead of thinking about estate planning as a huge undertaking, just start with one step. Take a look at your calendar and pick a time to book a call with me. I can take it from there. 

Use your support network. Ask family members or friends to help with childcare or other tasks to free up time for planning.

Consider the long-term savings. If the potential cost seems overwhelming, know that creating a plan now will save your family money and stress in the long run. Plus, when you work with me, we’ll create a plan that fits you, your family, and your budget. 


Taking the First Step

Estate planning for your special needs child may seem daunting, but it's a critical step in securing their future. By addressing the emotional challenges, seeking support, and finding ways to prioritize planning, you can overcome the common barriers that hold many parents back.

Start today by taking one small step. Maybe it's having a conversation with your partner about your wishes for your child's future. Perhaps it's booking a call with me. Whatever you choose, remember that every step forward is a step towards peace of mind and security for your child.

Your love for your child has guided you through countless challenges. Let that same love motivate you to tackle this important task. Your future self—and more importantly, your child—will thank you for it.


Let Me Help You Overcome Your Resistance and Get Your Plan Done Now

Raising a child with special needs comes with unique responsibilities, and estate planning can feel like one of the most overwhelming tasks. However, as a Personal Family Lawyer Firm with a special needs planning focus, we can help you create a comprehensive plan that ensures your child’s needs are met—both now and in the future. We’ll do the heavy lifting so you get your plan done, and we’ll be there to support you and your family for years to come.