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Ali Katz on Sunday Morning Magazine


The root of purpose and leaning into building resources that are also in alignment with your highest service.

Facing life and death is an opportunity to put genuine philosophy of integrity into action—How would you like your family and the world to remember you? What does it truly mean to be a lawyer today? How do we break free of the barriers of conditioning about what it means to work in law? In this discussion, Ali talks about the root of purpose and leaning into building resources that are also in alignment with your highest service. For Ali, being a Lawyer is more than upholding the traditional values of law—it is a sacred responsibility to build and enforce the framework for a more wholesome society. No matter what your purpose is, being a lawyer, chef, teacher, entrepreneur, coach, etc., understanding the value of your life and life’s work will support peaceful transitions within as well as beyond your life. Find out more by listening to the recording find out more details!