Areas of Focus: Life and Legacy Planning, Kids Protection Planning
Licensed States: Alaska
My name is Karlee and I’ve called Alaska home for over 20 years. My legal journey began in an orphanage in Romania. I was there to teach English, but at the end of my trip, I was enrolling in law school. Countless families were broken apart due to poverty and human trafficking. I wanted to make a difference, offer justice and hope; and most importantly, bring families together after loss or pain…so, I enrolled in law school.
Initially, I was a corporate attorney practicing in a variety of business transaction matters in Virginia and Ohio. While I learned a lot about the business world; corporations; contracts; federal government matters related to lobbying and federal procurements; what I really wanted was to work with families. I wanted to help families come closer together. I just was unsure exactly how to do that.
I returned home to Alaska after 14 years and I was eager to work directly with families. I began working for the Office of Public Advocacy, as part of the State of Alaska Department of Administration. I represented families and children in Child in Need of Aid cases, general child custody matters, and domestic violence protective orders. I loved working with families and knew I was becoming one step closer to the perfect career.
I had tossed around the idea of estate planning for a year or so, but believed the myth estate planning was for the super wealthy or elderly. When I started researching the NLBM way and becoming a PFL, I was intrigued because it was not a controversial, adversarial environment, nor was it a transactional one-time deal. It was a relationship. It was personal. It captured that question of “Who am I?” “Am I a litigator who argues day in and day out and my clients exhaust me and take me away from my own family, am I corporate transactional attorney who doesn’t know my client at all, or am I a personal lawyer who cares deeply about the client, their children—ultimately, their legacy?”
Being a Personal Family Lawyer is more than merely sitting down with a client and figuring out where their stuff goes when they die. I want to really get to their heart and advise them on issues they may never have contemplated before walking in my office. To me, estate planning is a journey and the journey can be challenging, but it may allow a person to really consider, “Who am I and how do I want to leave this world?” We are always changing, our spouse is always changing, our children, and the list goes on. We have only this life to make a difference and leave our legacy.
My goal in becoming a PFL was not to learn how to draft and fund a trust; yes, that is important. My goal in joining was to learn how to build a relationship with a person who values their legacy.
The industry is moving toward a holistic approach to wealth management, and a PFL is akin to their Financial Advisor or CPA. As a PFL, I get to walk the journey with my client in both the good times and during the tragic times.
While going through the New Law Business Program, I also started reading a book entitled, “Living Fearless." He writes about finding our God-given identity. After the first chapter, I felt God saying, “Karlee, I call you Faithful Advocate.”
I become a PFL so I can be a faithful advocate to those around me. I want to faithfully execute clients’ estate plans advocating for their wishes, desires, and for their loved ones. As a wife and mother, the reality the unexpected can happen is ever present, and I want to use my own personal successes and hardships to help clients find their God-given identity and leave a lasting legacy.
We begin with a comprehensive inventory of everything you own, and everyone you love, and consider it all in a working meeting, called a Family Wealth Planning Session, to guide you to clarify your financial life and legacy goals before we draft a single document.
We work with you throughout every life stage to map out the most likely scenarios for you and the people you love, planning for each as your life, the law, and your assets change over time.
Our Life & Legacy Planning process ensures everything that matters most -- from your financial assets to your values, insights, stories and experience -- are captured and documented during your life and cared for over the generations to come.
Transparency in our process, and our fees … all of which are flat fees, agreed to in advance, based on your choices and with no surprises, ensuring we stay on the same side of the table - supporting you to make a lifetime of great decisions - every step of the way.
Our systems help you get clear and organized, overcoming the exact issues that keep most estate plans from actually working when they are needed most. We help you leave your family with a gift of love, and not a mess.
One-and-done estate plans focused only on money are a recipe for a big mess. We help you throughout every stage of life and be there for the people you love, when you can’t be.
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